
Socio-histoire de la cause féministe marocaine : engagements, protestations et construction des problèmes publics (2004-2024)

Auteur Boutaina EL OUADIE
Directeur /trice Mounia Bennani-Chraïbi
Co-directeur(s) /trice(s)
Résumé de la thèse

The condition of women in Morocco is one of least developed in comparison with other countries from the Middle East and the North African region. The monarchy presented a reform of the Family Code in 2004, while trying to find a consensus between the liberal feminists and the Islamists. In spite having a legal framework to protect women, systemic discrimination against them is still very much present. This result is due to the lack of generalization of this reform, especially in the rural areas, and the fact that the Judge has very extended powers that allow him to rule in favor of abusers. Our project has the purpose of analyzing the effect of the announcement of a new reform for 2024 and the reasons behind the publicization of the condition of women as problematic. Also, it has the aim to understand how feminist activists will try to impose their cause for this new draft, as well as all the other actors who enter in participate in the construction of the social problem while using an intersectional approach.

Statut au début
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