
Regulation of Multi-club Ownership (MCO). Why, who and how should one regulate ?

Auteur Jérémie DUCIEL
Directeur /trice Mickaël Terrien
Co-directeur(s) /trice(s)
Résumé de la thèse

Conducted at IDHEAP in the Regulation and Governance of Sports Unit, the thesis explores the challenges and implications of MCO in football from an interdisciplinary perspective, combining economic, political, legal, and social approaches. The research investigates why MCO requires regulation, focusing on its potential to distort competition, affect the integrity of the sport, and create conflicts of interest. It also examines who should be responsible for regulating MCO, analyzing the roles of national and international football governing bodies, alongside governmental authorities. Finally, the thesis explores how regulations should be structured to balance the interests of clubs, investors, and the sport itself, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive regulatory framework that considers financial transparency, ownership concentration, and fair competition.

Statut au début
Délai administratif de soutenance de thèse 2029